

Community Missions unites churches, pastors, and believers in the shared goal of fulfilling the Great Commission. Every believer is called to actively participate, using their God-given gifts to reach local and global communities. Through strategic efforts led by Community Missions Representatives and supported by local and state missions boards, we address the physical, material, and spiritual needs of those we serve. Our mission is to demonstrate the love and power of God, fostering relationships and connections that transcend cultural and generational boundaries, ultimately advancing the kingdom of God across the world.




Medical Care
Nutritious Food
Clean Water
Church Planting


Community Missions is open to all members of a Church of God who accept the Great Commission to "Go, preach, and disciple."

World Missions General Director, M. Thomas Propes, initiated the creation of Community Missions through which churches, pastors, and laity can be unified in a strategy for completing the Great Commission. In November 1971, Bill George created the idea for what was then known as Local Missions Representatives. That base has now evolved with a broader scope and intent.

The body of believers, led by the pastor and Community Missions Team, is charged to create strategic events that fulfill the command to obey the Great Commission by choosing to follow the guidelines of Physical Needs (medical care, nutritious food, and clean water); Material Needs (suitable shelter, appropriate clothes, and fitting shoes); and lastly, Spiritual Needs (presenting the plan of salvation, learning the tenets of discipleship, and providing help with church planting).

Who should participate in Community Missions within your local church?

Every believer is called to join the thrilling mission of making disciples for Jesus across the globe! Following His great command, we are to go forth, baptizing and teaching others to obey all He has instructed. We can do this with confidence, for our Lord promises to be with us always, even until the very end.

The objectives of Community Missions are to walk in harmony with God, loving the peoples of the world as He does. We are called to serve the local and global communities of the "Last, the Least, and the Lost," demonstrating God's love and power through actions that address physical, material, and spiritual needs. What an incredible opportunity!

Where should our efforts be focused?

Among individuals, church members, and within the diverse cultures and needs of the local and global communities where God has provided connections. The possibilities are endless!

And how should this missions work be carried out? In accordance with God's guidance and the perceived needs of the communities we engage. It should involve collaborative endeavors among church members, pastors, missions boards, and the global church. The work should be characterized by unity, purity, and a spirit of worshipful service.

The call to missions spans across cultures, age groups, and social strata. Let us enthusiastically join this movement to reach the world for Christ! The time is now—let's go make disciples together!

Understanding Local and Global Communities

We often think of community as signifying unity, a common bond, or geographical significance. But perhaps we should consider community in the broader context of "six degrees of separation," the idea that anyone on the planet can be connected to anyone else through a series of only six social connections. Our sphere of influence—our common community—is both more intimate in size and larger in geographical area than we might realize.

The world has come to our towns and cities. People from various backgrounds are now local and interacting with us daily. We can reach people in far-away places by ministering to the different cultures around us. Our search for community should include prayer, travel, and sensitivity to the Spirit of God as He speaks to us. God's will is for us to provide means for His name to be glorified in the uttermost parts of the earth.


Community Missions Representative

A designated person in a local church who receives and develops ideas, resources, and communication to work in tandem with the pastor for the purpose of making Christ known. The representative works to understand the missions vision of the pastor and the congregation, then carries out a plan to keep this vision viable in the ministries of the church.

All members of a local church's Community Missions Team with specified responsibilities are considered Community Missions Representatives. As such, they should register with Church of God World Missions through the link below.



The pastor, Local Team Community Representative, and other representatives serving on the Community Missions Board should engage the congregation through strategic and timely events. Here’s how:


P.O. Box 8016
Cleveland, TN 37320